
Windows 12 Release Date, Features, Price, News

Microsoft’s Windows Operating System is undoubtedly the most popular computer Operating System in the world. In October 2021, the company announced Windows 11 and it is all set to release Windows 12.

So if you are wondering what is the Windows 12 release date, what will be hardware requirement, whether you will be able to update your Windows 11 to Windows 12 for free or not, I’ve got you covered in this article.

The company released Windows 11 after a big gap of six years. The windows 10 was released back in 2015 and the latest version, ie. Window 11 was released in 2021.

So if the company follows the same release cycle, we wouldn’t be seeing Windows 12 until several more years.

But, this is not the case, you’ll mostly likely see Windows 12 pretty much earlier.

There are lot of buzz around the world about upcoming Windows 12 Operating System & they give many hints.

It is predicted that, the new Windows OS edition would be called Windows 12, but some rumors suggest something else..

So whether you want to know Windows 12 Release Date, Price, Specifications, Features, and other updates, you need to go through this article completely.

Microsoft Windows 12 Release Date

Windows 12 release date is a hot topic on the internet all over the world.

Although, there is no official hint as to when the Company will release new operating system after the launch of Windows 11 in October 2021, several tech blogs including Techy Voice, is talking about anticipating release date of Windows 12.

If we look at the release date of previously released version of Windows operating system, the pattern is not consistent, however it is heard that, the company is going to adopt 3 years release cycle.

Take a look at the release date of different versions of Windows operating system.

Windows VersionRelease Date
Windows 1.01November 1985
Windows 2.01December 1987
Windows 3.0May 1990
Windows 95August 1995
Windows 98June 1998
Windows 2000Feb 2000
Windows XPOctober 2001
Windows VistaJanuary 2007
Windows 7October 2009
Windows 8October 2012
Windows 10July 2015
Windows 11October 2021

If we look at the release dates of different versions, Microsoft hasn’t followed any definitely release cycle and every new version of Windows operating system was launched as when it was ready to be launched.

Like I said, if the company follows 3 years release cycle, the Windows 12 release date could be in 2024 and that too in fall.

The last three version of Windows was released during the month of October.

So if we connect the dots, the most probably release date of Windows 12 should be December 2024!

Will I be able to Update to Windows 12 Free?

If you are a Windows 11 users, you will mostly like to upgrade to Windows 12 for free.

We have seen in the past when Windows 11 was released. The windows 10 users were allowed to update their operating system to Windows 11 without paying any fee.

So, the Windows 11 users could upgrade to Windows 12 but I am doubtful about Windows 10 and lower versions.

You will be able to upgrade your Windows 10 system in two different ways with the automatic update option or by installing the Windows 12 ISO file manually to your system.

The new Windows 12 would be a major update to Windows 11 & 10.

We receive several rumors and information on Windows 12 reguarly and the same is updated in this article, so I recommend bookmarking this article so that you could visit this page often to check latest updates about Windows 12.

Windows 12: Expected Features

Since Microsoft has not disclosed anything about its upcoming OS version, we have collected speculations about the list of its features from various sources, rumors, and leaks.

We do not claim these features to be accurate on Windows 12, however, we can expect them to be present in the new edition. Let’s get on to the list of its features now!

Clipboard History

Windows 12 would come with a new Clipboard History feature just like Apple’s macOS.

When you use the Copy or Cut command, the data copied or cut will be stored in the Clipboard History section.

You can pin this option to your taskbar for quick access to it. One can open up this option by pressing the Windows+ V keys together.

File Explorer to Get Dark Mode

Dark Mode is a quite fascinating feature that all mobile users use.

The Dark Mode feature is also introduced by Facebook and many other social networks for mobile users and PC users.

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Now, Windows 12’s File Explorer gets this feature. The same feature is available for other apps on Windows Operating System.

However, the new update will bring Dark Mode’s compatibility to the File Explorer app.

Snip and Sketch

Snip and Sketch is yet another important feature that we will get on the new Windows 12 Operating System.

This feature lets us edit the screenshot that we take.

The feature will act like a mobile phone’s screenshot feature. You can edit and send it directly to whomever you want to.

This feature would improve the working capacity of the users.

Android Synchronization

The new Windows 12 Operating System would come with built-in compatibility with Android Operating System.

Yes, the new OS would come with a direct synchronization with Android smartphones.

This means Android users can now send text messages or can make voice calls right from their laptops.

They have to synchronize their Android device to their laptop.

Search Preview

The new Search Preview feature would act like Google’s Google Search Results.

Whenever you search for something on the upgraded Windows PC, you would see the previously searched history along with the related results below the search bar.

This upgraded Search Preview feature would also present you with all the required information.

You can select the previewed item if you want to get more details about the same.

Updated Task Manager

The Task Manager would receive a new update equipped with a Power Usage feature.

The Power Usage feature would allow the users to see the overall consumption of power by the apps you open on your Windows 12 PC.

This way, you can figure out which app uses more power to avoid unnecessary power usage.

If you have less battery, you can simply close down the apps which consume more battery power.

Built-in HDR Support

With the new Windows 12 update, the PC systems would receive built-in HDR support. This feature is exclusive to big-screened computer screens.

However, after upgrading to Windows 12, even laptop users can get the benefits of HDR videos.

If you love to watch movies or videos in your free time, then this feature will definitely improve your taste in entertainment.

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One can enable or disable the built-in HDR support by simply visiting the Display Settings section.

Go to the Settings option and choose the Display Settings and then disable or enable the HD Color option from there.

Advanced Security

The company will bring new security features to the existing Windows 12 Operating System.

You don’t need to have security software installed on your computer system as soon as you upgrade your PC to the latest Windows 12 Operating System.

Windows 12 would come with Antivirus, Anti-ransomware, and many other security features.

You can turn on these features to safeguard your computer system and its data while using the web.

Updated Edge Browser

The Windows 12 OS will bring an updated Edge Browser with better control.

Yes, the new Edge Browser would come with a list of extraordinary features to control the playback of videos and other features.

The updated Edge Browser will be packed with a set of new features that you can use for daily web surfing.

Windows 12 Editions

According to reports and rumors, there could be six different editions to Windows 12 Operating Systems designed for users with different requirements.

You can choose a suitable edition from the available options. Let’s get on to the list of all the anticipated editions of the Windows 12 Operating System.

1. Basic Version

The Basic Version of Windows 12 would be called the Starter version.

This would be the lightest version of the Windows 12 Operating System which lacks GUI compatibility and fewer configuration options than the other editions.

2. Home Basic

The Home Basic will bring some more configuration options to the basic version.

This edition of Windows 12 would be for Home users. Home users or we can say casual computer users should use this edition.

3. Premium Home

This edition would bring even more sets of features with built-in customization options and more configuration.

It would also bring new design compatibility for graphical use. It would be a good choice for professionals with fewer requirements.

4. Professional

The Professional Edition of Windows 12 is designed for Windows 12 users. This edition would bring better security with encryption.

The data will be secured and there will be no lags.

5. Enterprise

This edition would be designed with a dedicated language kit. A set of comprehensive security features will be provided to all the users for securing their data and web surfing.

This edition would be a great choice for networked computers. Enterprises with a high number of computers should go with the Enterprise edition.

6. Ultimate

The Ultimate Edition of Windows 12 would bring all the features and functions of the above editions.

For an ideal PC, Windows 12 Ultimate would be a great choice for users with different requirements and purposes.

Windows 12 Price:

The existing Windows users with licensed edition should get the notification to reserve the new Windows 12 update for free.

Yes, the new Windows 12 Operating System would be free of cost for licensed users of Windows 11 Operating System.

However, those who are using Windows 10 and lower version of Windows OS, they will have to buy fresh copy of the operating system.

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However, as soon as the new Windows 12 system is released, you will be able to upgrade it to the latest version for free, only if you are using the licensed version of Windows 10 or Windows 7.

Take Away!

Windows 12 has already created a huge buzz around the technology world. Everyone is looking forward to seeing the new version of the Windows Operating System.

Since there is no official statement released, we have to rely on the above-given information that is collected from different sources and technology journalists.

If we go by our predictions based on various facts such as release dates of different versions of Windows operating system & the rumours surfacing on the internet, we anticipate the Windows 12 release date could fall in October 2024.

If you are a Windows 11 users, you’ll most probably be able to upgrade your PC to Windows 12 for FREE just like we seen when Windows 11 was announced.

The Windows 10 users were allowed to upgrade their system to Windows 11 for FREE.

However, if you are still using Windows 10 and want to upgrade to Windows 12, you probably will have to buy it.